Thursday, February 28

Back to Work Jitters

This post is probably a little premature, but I wanted to get some advice from you ladies, so I thought I'd post it today.  I'm headed back to work on Tuesday and I'm feeling a little nervous about the transition.  In the last few days, I've felt extremely overwhelmed with the thought of balancing work responsibilities, my child's needs, my husband's needs, my own needs, cleaning the house, doing the laundry - the list goes on.  I think part of my concern is that I'm going to be doing what was a 40 hour a week job, in 25 hours mostly from home.  I know several of you that read this blog have gone back to work since having your baby.  How do you do it?  Any tips on how I can maintain my sanity (if there is any left) and do a good job at all of this?  My fear is that I will be stretched so thin, I won't be good at anything.  If you know me, I hate to let people down and I'm afraid my quality of work will suffer, having to tend to a child each day - although she does have to be my first priority.  I welcome any and all advice!  

Tuesday, February 26

Don't Laugh - Daddy Dressed Me

It appears our friends and family know Matthew all too well.  We received not one, not two - but THREE of these onesies saying "Don't Laugh Daddy Dressed Me!"  

Monday, February 25

Diggs Visit

Matt's cousin Dawn and her family came to visit Annelise yesterday.  It was so nice to see them all.  Here are some pictures for the family to see!

Sunday, February 24

Annelise Smiles

Here is a clip of Annelise smiling for the camera.  I am really annoying in this video, but it was the only way I could get her to smile.  So, if you need to mute your computer, I don't blame you. Matt and I decided that once Anne gets old enough to understand what the word "beautiful" means, we should probably stop calling her it so often.  We don't want our daughter to think more highly of herself than she is!

Friday, February 22


Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.  Annelise is 5 weeks old today and she seems to have regressed in her sleeping habits.  For a while, she was sleeping 4-5 hours at a time during the night.  Last night (the worst yet), she slept a total of 3 hours - and they weren't consecutive.  I ended up sleeping in the guest room with the monitor, so Matt didn't have to wake continually to her crying.  Am I doing something wrong?

One solution I've thought of is to put her to bed after her 8pm feeding.  We typically let her stay up until her 11pm feeding, because she's wide awake.  Do any of you have any insight?  I go back to work in one week (and counting) and I'd like to get some sort of schedule in order.

On a positive note, she's eating like a champ and has established a great feeding schedule. Here's a picture of her first smile (captured on camera).  Yes, she looks a little cross-eyed because of a toy I was holding above her head.  

Thursday, February 21

Uploading Videos

I finally got around to uploading videos of Annelise.  I haven't done it lately, because it takes so long to upload on blogger.  Does anyone else have this problem?  Or is it just me?We have high speed wireless internet at home, so I'm not sure what the problem is.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong?  If you have any ideas, let me know.  

Candace, Cydney, Janelle...I know you all post videos.  Does it take you forever to do?

Wednesday, February 20

The Nursery is Finally Finished!

Wow!  What a crazy busy week.  With all the snow up here, we enjoyed the first two days of the week home with daddy.  I haven't wished for a snow day so much since I was in high school. But, now that my husband's a teacher, I secretly pray for them all the time!

We finally bought a used crib for Anne and put it up yesterday.  With all the craziness of life, we just haven't had time.  So, her nursery is finally complete!   

We love all the bright colors.  And yes, this is my little girl, kicking and screaming in her new crib.  Grateful little brat, isn't she?

Oh and here's Annelise with her new little friend, Acacia Joy.  Acacia's mom, Lisa, and I were best friends all through high school.  This is her second little one - born just a week and a half after Anne.  We were hoping to spend some time in the hospital together, but Anne came too early.  Here they are sleeping in their car seats next to each other.  I have a feeling this is the calmest picture we'll get of the two of them...ever!

Nanny & Papa Visit

Matt's parents were here over the weekend for their first visit with Annelise.  Boy did they spoil her!  She not only got to sleep on the couch with them, but she also enjoyed being rocked to sleep and picked up at every whimper.  She was cuddled more than any child should be and was definitely sad to see them go.  Matt was a proud papa showing off his little girl to his parents.  Now, we're all recovering.  Anne is getting used to sleeping in her crib again - and mom and dad are getting used to less sleep. 

Wednesday, February 13

A New Template

I finally gave in to the temptation and changed my blog template.  I saw so many of you update yours and you know I can't pass up an opportunity to "upgrade" anything.  So, this is our new design.  What do you think?  Hopefully it'll be a fresh, eye-pleasing change for those of you that read our blog often.

And, I wouldn't dare post without including a recent picture of Annelise.  So here you go!

What a peanut!  She looks so much like her daddy.

Monday, February 11

We Don't Shake Our Baby

Matt took this picture and when we pulled it up on the computer, we had a good laugh.  You see, Anne has two toys that hang from her swing.  We forgot to remove the "shake me" tag from one of them.  It happened to be the focus of this picture, where Anne is crying.  Ironic.  And yes, very funny.  And no, we don't shake our baby.

Sunday, February 10

First Bath

Ok, so before you think I'm a bad mom - or gross for that matter, let me explain.  This isn't really Anne's first bath.  But, it was her first bath without tears.  Normally when we give her a bath, she screams, literally.  She hates to be cold and naked - which is something I don't mind (especially when she's older).  But right now, even changing her diaper initiates torture like sounds from our little princess.  So, this was rare occasion in our household and we hope it continues.  Aren't bathing babies yummy?

Saturday, February 9


Every new mom needs a new "do" right?  Well, here's mine!

Monday, February 4


Sleep:  does it get any better than this?

Cousins, Cousins

This weekend, Annelise and I went on our first outing since her arrival.  It was a big deal!  We drove 3 hours to my cousin Pam's baby shower.  Pam is due to have her little guy in just 5 weeks.  My cousin Angie also just had her baby, Wyatt James, on January 23rd.  It was fun to get the three cousins together in a few pictures, with the babies.  

Congrats Pam and Angie!

Cousins: Angie and Wyatt, Pam with baby inside, Rachael and Annelise

Cousin Pam with Wyatt James and Annelise Louise

Could they look any different?  They both look like their daddies!

Angie holding Annelise and Rachael holding Wyatt

Wyatt was born 3 weeks early and is about a pound and a half smaller than Annelise.  I thought she was small, but he is tiny!

Friday, February 1


Help!  This is the face of one unhappy little girl.  My sweet precious baby seems to have a bad case of gas.  If you read my post earlier this week, I thought it was due to some salsa I had eaten.  But, the gas hasn't gone away.  I can only assume its gas, because she arches her back, straightens her legs and lets out the world's worst blood curdling scream.  Its heart wrenching.  I've been giving her Mylicon gas drops for about a day now, but they don't seem to be helping.  I've pumped her legs, rubbed her belly, padded her back...any ideas?  I don't want to be too quick to call my pediatrician.  But, that's my next resort.  Have any of you struggled with this?  (As an FYI, she is having a normal number of wet/dirty diapers.  So, I know its not constipation.)
Otherwise, life at home is great.  We're still in the midst of a snow storm, but are inside, staying warm.  Hope you're all enjoying your Friday!  TGIF!