Thursday, December 23

So this is Christmas

Yeast dough made.  Cinnamon rolls and yeast rolls rising. Chicken lasagna made and waiting to be baked.  Egg nog in the fridge.  Pumpkin pies baked...the aroma in our home is wonderful.

Oh and the fireplace is we're enjoying the smell of wood burning as we hunker down and enjoy the holidays.

We're striving to push the world aside and focus on the reason for the season: Jesus Christ.  Our kids don't quite get it this year, but that's ok.  The innocence is beautiful.  They have no idea that presents should line the tree or candy stuffing their stockings.

Merry Christmas to you and yours! 

Tuesday, December 14

I Won! I Won!

I never win anything.  Guess I can't say that anymore.  Because I won this thanks to Money Saving Mom!

And here is where I shamelessly tout Money Saving Mom.  If you haven't read her blog, you're missing out.  Its a daily read for me...I scan for deals, giveaways, coupons...anything that would make my life easier and cheaper.  I have benefited so much from the wisdom that she imparts about home finances, health, minimalism for God's glory and more.

So, for all you ladies out there that wonder, "Is it worth entering?" - yes, it is!

Monday, December 13

Matters of the Heart

Disciplining your children is difficult.

For me, its mostly two-faceted.  (Is that even a correct phrase?)  I fall under two extremes: venting my frustration through discipline and ignoring sinful behavior because I'm lazy or tired or its inconvenient.

Are you with me?  The past couple of weeks have been difficult in the discipline arena.  I want my children (namely my almost three year old) to behave rightly.  My reasons seemed appropriate: I want her to grow up to be a responsible, godly adult.  I want her to respect authority, which starts in the home.  I want children whom others look to as examples of how they should live their lives.

Responsible, godly, respectable, example...these words kept ringing in my ears as I struggled to punish and correct.

In a moment of "last resort" - I stopped by the pastor's office yesterday after church to see if I could borrow the book, "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp.  I first heard of the book years ago in Bible college, then it was referenced again in a few biblical counseling seminars I attended, even friends recommended it.  I won't say it was pride, but more a lack of need that caused me to dismiss it.  I wasn't at a place yet to truly understand what shepherding my child's heart would need to look like.

Then parenthood came...what a busy time!  I spent so much of my nesting on material things, like getting the nursery ready, buying diapers and bottles; little did I know how important it was for me to be focused on the eternal during those days.

Hear me, I haven't neglected the Lord in my parenting.  If anything, I have desperately thrown myself at the foot of his cross each night, begging for forgiveness and guidance...and new mercies the next day.

So, yesterday, I borrowed the book from my pastor.  We ate lunch and with anticipation, put the children down for afternoon naps.  I couldn't wait to dive in.  (You know the feeling of "want" when it comes to the Lord...knowing He has a word for you that meets exactly your need at the moment.  It was with that kind of anticipation that I opened the book.)

I'm only through chapter four, but Lord has already begun to do a great work in my heart as it pertains to correcting and guiding my children.

My focus in parenting has been justice, really.  An eye for an eye, a consequence for a wrong action.  I mean, isn't that what they need to know to enter this scary world we live in?  Yet, behavior isn't the root of the problem.  Behavior is really only the fruit of the problem.

As I prepare to continue to read and learn today, I'm shifting my focus to the cross.  My children are sinful.  They need Christ more than ever.  Every wrong action they commit stems from a heart condition: selfishness, greed, malice, revenge...(I'll say those three, because they are prevalent in our home).  Their hearts need rescuing.

My prayer today is this:  Lord, help me to be your agent of change for my children.  Draw them closer to you as I guide them on the path you have chosen.  Help them to see a picture of Christ and his grace through me.

Now, where's that book...

Saturday, December 11

That 28 Year Old Memory

My last post wasn't completely truthful.  Unintentionally.  After listing all of the presents we had purchased I began wrapping them on Tuesday night.  Just three presents each?  Is that really all we had?  I felt like something was missing...something big.  Oops!  Matt remembered we still had a few in his car trunk!

We bought not one, but two of these shopping carts.

And I can't find a picture of the other one, but its an etch a sketch/magna doodle combo.  So, after a few stocking stuffers from the dollar store, my kids are set.

Now, off to get the rest of the presents that we have been neglecting to purchase...

Monday, December 6

Its a Snowy One

In the last 24 hours we've gotten over six inches of snow.  I especially love watching it from my living room window.  We've lived in Michigan for five years and still don't have a snow blower.  We're gluttons for punishment, I guess.

I also love Christmas shopping from my computer while its snowing.  Does anyone else enjoy the blessing of Amazon this time of year?  With free shipping, I can hardly justify putting makeup on and fighting the crowds to pay the same price (or more) for items I can buy with a click, click, click - from my cozy home.  Plus, Money Saving Mom alerts me to all the latest deals, so I feel like I'm saving.  And now I'm starting to sound like a commercial...moving right along.

Which begs the question...What do you buy your toddler for Christmas?  I am loving the Melissa & Doug toys - classic, wooden (not technical, beeping, get the idea) toys that make me reminisce about my childhood and feel like my kids are developing skills versus killing brain cells.  They are a little pricier than I'd like, but I can see my kids playing with them for years.  Have you found a product you couldn't live without for your kids?  

Here's what I've purchased so far:

 Punching Balloons (because what kid doesn't love those?)


 Leapfrog Fridge Phonics (yes, electronic, but educational) 

Believe me, the goal for us on Christmas is not quantity, but quality.  I've never been one to lavish presents (though I do love gift giving), because I want my loved ones to feel valued in so many other ways.  But, I also love the memories I have of Christmas mornings...presents piled under the tree.  The excitement on my parents' faces...knowing we were going to love whatever we found under the packaging.  Even getting up at 4:30 am because I couldn't stand it any longer (and I was 17 at the time!). 

So, what are you buying for your kids this year?  What are you excited to give/see them enjoy?