Thursday, July 31

Bedtime Nightmare

Ok all of you Babywise moms...I need some help!  Annelise is 6 months old and for her entire life, she has been a dream sleeper and napper.  She first slept through the night at 10 weeks old.  She has never wanted to sleep with Matt and I and has rarely needed help going to sleep.  Until now...

The past few weeks have been a nightmare.  She screams in her bed for what seems like hours.  I have used the Babywise method - waiting 10 minutes, going in to comfort, and letting her cry. The last few times, I've had to pick her up and she immediately stops and goes to sleep in my arms.

What should I do?

I've also noticed that she is extremely "clingy" to me right now.  I know this is a phase that most kids go through at this age.  But, the sleeping thing has got to stop!  I work, so she often has to take naps at my mom's house.  My mom is really good about not rocking her to sleep.  But, sometimes its a toss up - rock her to sleep or no nap.  Help!


Liz K said...

Oh Rachael! How hard! I know there are times with Forrest when he has gotten thrown off his routine, it's been teething, or our schedule has been hectic. Or there is something big going on in the family. This spring we regressed bad! From Feb-April we had someone at our house or we were gone every weekend! That was enough to make him get up like ever 2 hours at night. He seemed to want to nurse all the time. I think there was teeth in that mix too and a cold and a growth spurt! AHHHH, we learned to rock some (he seemed to need that comfort) and to let him scream some. We did the first night go in ever 5 minutes, the next night ever 10, then 15 the next and so on. It's hard! We eventually got him back into a routine and he is sleeping through the night again. I found that some times he really just needed to be rocked and during teeth or having a cold. Sorry that's so hard...not sure any of what I just said helped. :( Just know that you aren't alone. You can do it!


I agree with the Kampers. It is all due to the stage she is in. She is starting the phase of knowing mom and dad and wanting you guys in her sight at all times. If I remember correctly, 6 months was when Evee had a set back too. During that time she was teething too, and just needed some extra comforting. Don't be afraid to go in and rock her. Does she have a favorite blankey or pacifier? The blankey comforts Evee, alot!

Lee and Candace said...

When we were in Iowa on vacation. Isabel went through a week of doing the same thing as Annelise. Thankfully although it made both Lee and I grumpy and very tired, it only lastest a little while. we had never let Isabel sleep in our bed, but it was the only thing to calm her...and with 20 people in the house I couldn't exactly let her scream it out. I would say if she goes past 30 min. do anything you can to get her to sleep. Your doing good...remember it won't last forever! I think it was around that time the Dr. told me they are really becoming aware of things and you really need to sleep train. I still have to do this with Isabel sometimes. We'll be praying for you!