Monday, July 16

My Little Blessings

My boys.  Sigh.  There's just something about a mama and her boys.  They are ever so sweet.

But then there's my girls.  We have something special.  We speak the same language.  We're cut from the same cloth.  I mean, I totally get why they wanted to wear their princess outfits to dinner.  Nachos were on the menu and that calls for princess attire.  

Today, I saw them embrace while giggling and Annelise whispered "We're best friends for life."

A little piece of my heart just fell out of my chest (again) thinking about it.  Sigh.  I love my girls.

These days might be busy.  I may never have enough time in the day to get all the things done that I want.  But, I wouldn't trade these small moments for anything.  

Thursday, June 21

Bad, bad blogger

Avoidance.  Probably.  Just another thing I have to do.  Rebellion.  Laziness.  Avoidance.  Most likely avoidance.

Those are all negative words.  Sorry.  I love my blog, my blogosphere, other bloggers.  But man, sometimes a blog is hard work.  And obviously I have slacked in taking care of this baby.  Sorry. 

So, here's a looooooong awaited update. 

My babies are six months old. WHAT?  That went fast.  Sleeping through the night, rolling over, eating solids (well, just started and loving it).  Unfortunately, I missed their six month appointment due to hand, food and mouth disease (that's another post all in itself).  So Matt happily took them for me (with Gigi's help, of course).  They are a whopping 11 pounds and some odd ounces and 26 inches.  Long and skinny.  Hm.  Doc thinks they are still about a month behind developmentally, which seems normal...they were four weeks early.  Man, are they getting cute too!

Annelise is four (going on fifteen) and constantly - CONSTANTLY - talks about when she'll be five.  "When I'm five, I can jump into the pool without my floaties on."  "Oh no, Mommy, I'll do that when I'm five."  She's darn smart.  Can add and subtract more than any four year old I know (maybe I'm biased) and is eeking excited to start school in the fall.  Mommy might be a little excited about that too.  She's ready.  I'm ready.

Elliora.  What a trip.  That kid never ceases to put a smile on my face.  She's every bit of two and a half and if I didn't know better myself, I'd say she was going to skip right past three to be five too.  She absolutely adores her sister and continues to be the most compassionate kid I know.  The word selfish is rarely attributed to her and sometimes I wish we had given her JOY for a middle name, because she's full of it.  Most of the time. 

Matt and I are busy working, taking care of home, taking care of kids and trying to enjoy what bit of summer we can in the midst of the chaos.  We celebrated Father's Day and my 30th birthday all in one fell swoop on the 17th and I have to say...I'm glad that's over.  30 doesn't scare me.  I mean, I have four kids, I might as well be 30 right?

So, that's us in a nutshell.  These kiddos are running me ragged and I'm enjoying every moment of it.

Wednesday, May 2

What I've Been Doing

Rocking babies
Writing reports
Designing ads
Proofing copy
Potty training
Designing wedding invites
Emails and more emails
Teaching addition
Ordering business cards
Updating websites
Hoping to blog...never getting there
Absorbing the lives of Katniss and Peeta (a girl needs an escape, OK?)
Watching my boys grow before my eyes
Breast feeding...twins...while typing/eating/getting dressed...yes, for real
More budgeting
And hoping to blog.

Monday, April 16

A moment in time

I drank two cups of coffee today, black.  We're out of creamer and I really hate coffee without doctoring it up.  But I was desperate.  It is Monday...and any caffeine is a necessity.  Are you with me?

I realized something yesterday.  Our life must seem really crazy to the outside world.  Every where we go, people gasp and comment.  "All of these are yours?"  "I can't believe you all go out together."  (What, am I supposed to leave half of them at home?)  I imagine people feel sorry for us. 

Thursday was a huge accomplishment for me.  I took all four kids to Target, by myself.  Yup, I feel my chin rising just a little as I type.  So what if I had to grab one of those kid carrier carts, put one car seat in the top, one in the bottom, strap my toddlers into the seats on the back?  Yeah, we had to open a package of iced animal crackers half way through the store (if I'm honest, Elli opened them on her own, but who's counting?).  But we had no tantrums, no crying, not even one fight.  I got all the items I needed (except one) and then we went to McDonalds to celebrate.  Don't judge.  Sometimes eating cheeseburgers and getting our crazy out at a fast food restaurant with a playplace is the best decision of the week.  And its becoming weekly really.  I was so proud.  A whole trip to Target, a whole meal at McDonalds...and we all made it home in one piece.

Do you think people feel sorry for me?

This is but a moment in time.  And we all know how unforgiving time is.  The words are barely out of my mouth and they have grown and inch and surprise me by saying something much more mature than their age.

I have just this small moment to capture their attention, turn them toward Christ, teach them.  I'm not wishing it away.  I do look forward to the day when life seems a little easier. I say seems because I think that's just a myth. We'll just be trading car seats and crying for driving lessons and dating.  I'll take the former, please.

So, ok I have no creamer.  Drink it black.  And when you see me in the store with four kids, don't wish these years away for me.  Because I'm not.  Don't feel sorry for me.  I only have them for this moment.  I chose them.  I want them to know that.  They weren't a mistake, a happenstance.  God gave all of them to us, at the right time.  I guess he thought four under four was ideal.  And for us it is.

Friday, March 30

No I'm not dead...

Just really busy.  Wow, four kids, two jobs, a husband and a house can really keep a woman on her toes these days.  Not to mention laundry, cooking, shopping for all things needed (who has time to shop for anything else?) and once in a while enjoying a moment to myself.  Which usually doesn't include blogging.  I'm sorry.

There was a day when I thought so highly of myself that my blog was of utmost importance.  Don't get me wrong, its not like I think anyone else who blogs frequently is self-absorbed.  Its just that if I didn't update my blog frequently, I was going to lose readership and interest and may end up on the bottom or *gasp* deleted from someone's blog roll.

And then there's today.  Who cares? I say.  Life is more important than this silly blog.  Have no won't be going anywhere.  I'll still update as I have time.  But time is gold these days and the little I have left at the end of the day must be spent wisely. 

So, I leave you with this most adorable photo of the two highest consumers of my gold.  Until next time....