Thursday, March 19

A Collage of Thoughts

Pregnancy.  I wasn't in love with being pregnant the first time.  I must say my feelings have only worsened the second time around.  Lots of women love being pregnant.  Some of my friends even dread the arrival of their baby, knowing they will no longer be in gestation.  Me - I say lets skip these nine months and get right to the baby.  Oh dear...its going to be a long pregnancy.

Life for us hasn't slowed down.  We leave for our mission trip to Costa Rica in two and a half weeks.  Matt and I are leading the trip with ten high schoolers.  Lots of last minute planning needs to be accomplished.  Please pray for us.  We're leaving Annelise at home with Matt's parents for the 8 days.

Church.  Our senior pastor left our church about a year ago to take a position at College Park in Indianapolis.  Time has flown by and it appears the search team for our new pastor is making headway.  We've been asked to submit a photo and brief bio of our family for the new pastor when he comes.  I'm guessing this might be soon?

Annelise is growing and changing so quickly.  It seems like all in one week she learned to walk, talk and sing.  Here are some of the new tricks she's picked up:
  • She says: doggie, DADDY, keys, cracker, thank you - and i swear i heard her say "welcome" yesterday
  • She comprehends soooo much.  I tested her by asking her to put on her socks.  Wouldn't you know she did it!
  • She's walking all over the place.
  • She knows that when we ask where the baby is, she's supposed to look under my shirt. But, I'm certain she doesn't comprehend what's going on. 


Kimberly said...

I feel you on the not loving pregnancy thing. I do like feeling my baby move, but it totally isn't like what I'd thought it be at all. I find it very hard, actually! Maybe it's easier for others (my sister is one of those who loves being pregnant), but me? Not so much. I'm surprised at how people react when I share I'm a bad mom or something. Bah! I love my kid - just not the process of getting him. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you, just the thought of pregnancy makes me sick to my stomach, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat if Jon gave me the go ahead and I'd have to be a little bit saner...(is that a word?) My 2nd and 3rd pregnancy was way harder than the 1st. I swear you'll make it.
The coupons for the couch came in the mail from Toys R Us. I might have another one...I'll check and mail it if I do. It's good until the 26th.

Pam said...

I'm with all of you. I love having a baby, not the sicknes, not sleeping on my stomach....not a big fan of a lot of pregnancy details.

Sounds like Anne is getting so grown up acting. She's officialy a toddler now. Walking, talking. Coming this way anytime? I'd love to get together! I'd like to hear a conversation between Evan and Anne.

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

oh to hear other moms say this wahooo!
i thought i was the only one,
i LOVE children and expecially my own :) but i very much dislike being pregnant !!
will pray your time seems quick for you and that you feel great.
1-3 is such a fun age, love it.
you sure do have a little punkin time goes quick now just wait till you have 2 and it FLIES !!!!!