Saturday, July 19

Sweet Saturday Morning

Much to my dismay, my daughter woke at 6:45 am this morning.  We had a late night last night and Matt and I were hoping to sleep in.  As I grumpily walked from one end of the house, stumbling from half sleep, to the other, I decided I would scold her for waking up early.  But, as happens each time, when I reached the side of her crib, I was overcome with love, for her sweet smile stared back at me in such innocence.  I scooped her up and spent the next 45 minutes playing on the bedroom floor with her.  By 8am she was ready for her morning nap.  I laid her back in her crib and without a peep she fell into a deep sleep.  I quickly grabbed my sweatshirt, purse and keys and headed out to the car.  Who can pass up a hot cup of coffee and a sausage biscuit from McDonald's early on Saturday morning?  When I returned, Matt was standing dazed in the middle of the living room floor.  "Where'd you go?"  When he saw the labeled coffee cup I held, his eyes lit up.  We sat at the dining room table, browsing the web and eating our breakfast together, while our little sleeps the rainy morning away.  

Sweet Saturday Morning.


The Talberts said...

You wore a sweatshirt? Is it cold there? I got kind of clammy just reading that.

Sweet, though. My first seventeen months with Libby (before she weaned and began sleeping through the night) were full of such moments - I'd stumble into her room in the middle of the night, irritated beyond belief to be woken up yet again, only to see her and melt. And have no choice but to just cherish the time with her.

You sound like a good mama, Rachael.

krissy said...

oh, how i love a relaxing Saturday morning! I'm glad you guys got to enjoy one together. :-)

Rachael Neal said...

it was just a little cool and clammy. and i wasn't dressed for the day yet, so a sweatshirt helped to cover a lot! :)