Monday, April 20

Another Week

As I type this post, the scenery behind me is refreshing.  Rain falling from the sky, coloring my lawn the same shade of green as the curtains in my dining room.  I love it when my indoor decor matches God's creation!

I must admit, I'm a bit lazy today.  We've been home from our trip to Costa Rica less than a week and I'm still not recovered yet.  There's something about being 15 weeks pregnant and overwhelmed that equals a bad combination.  The rain has encouraged me to take heart, relax and enjoy this cozy time inside with my little one.  A hot cup of coffee always helps with that...

In other news, my sister Leah got a job waitressing at a local restaurant.  Every once in a while, I get to watch Alayna.  I think this picture could be a foretelling of our future.  Annelise, clearly jealous of the baby on mommy's knee.  Me, nervously smiling, while trying to juggle two children.  And Alayna, obviously uncomfortable as her little head jerks back in my unstable arms.  Oh, Lord help prepare us for life with two children.  What a joy (although scary as well)!


kara h said...

Hey, Rachel. I'm trying to track down a phone number for Josh Neal. I assume you have one?

Rachael Neal said...

i sure do! email me at and i'll get it to you. :)

Lee and Candace said...

I think you look great with two kiddos Rachael! I know what you mean though! I know it will only be through God's help and grace I'll make it though each day! I guess that's kind of like now though!:)

Liz K said...

How sweet! And yes, that is fortelling of the future, but God will give you what you need! And you have ONLY been back for less than a week, so cut yourself some slack! Glad to hear Le has a job...and this is totally random, but is Alyana's shirt on inside out or what...why is Gap backwards?