Sunday, January 13

Birthday Boy


Today, Matt turned the big "3-2"!  He enjoyed a morning of sleeping in, going to the late service at church, a birthday burger at Red Robin, shopping with his birthday gifts cards, taking a long nap, and now watching football while I make him brownies.  The only thing missing?  His baby girl arriving on the big day!  Nope, we still haven't had the baby - and I'm beginning to think its not going to happen anytime soon.  But, thats ok.  I was reminded today that a week and a half isn't that far off - and these are the last days Matt and I will have as a childless couple together.  So, we're enjoying every minute of it.

To my husband...I love you for who you are, who God is forming you to be, and for the leader you are in our home.  Other than my salvation, you are the greatest gift from God I have ever received and I can't wait for you to be a father.  I love you!


Anonymous said...

thanks sweetlove!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Matthew! There is still time before midnight to have that baby girl on your day. Are thoughts are with you. Maybe Angie will beat you to it!

Kentucky Kate said...

Happy birthday. Hang in there Rachael. You are doing so well and are such a trooper. You have complained SO much less than I did.

Pam said...

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

I might be a bit hormonal, but I got all misty eyed reading about how much you love your husband. I'm so glad God blessed you so greatly!

Kelly Glupker said...

I had to check your blog because your status on facebook said something about balancing work and a baby. I thought, "WHAT! She had the baby already?" So I had to check your blog for the update. Just a few more days - hang in there!
BTW, Happy Birthday to your husband!

Lee and Candace said...

Wwwhhhaaattttzzz Upppp???? Happy Birthday Matt Neal!!!
