I'm a brave mommy. Elliora had her one month well-child check-up today. And for convenience' sake, I decided to schedule Annelise' flu shot. Am I crazy?
Fearful that this appointment was going to be like a quick visit to...hades...I went over-prepared with Halloween candy galore. Let's just say bribing a two-year old with smarties is now the best idea EVER.
Surprisingly, Annelise got two shots (one in each leg) and only let out a small whimper with a few tears. It was much better than I anticipated. She was a peach.
And Elliora is growing like a weed. She is 9 lbs. 14 oz. and 22 inches long. I almost don't know what to do with a child that actually eats and grows. She's in the 75th percentile for everything. I'm so proud.
Tonight, Matt and I are going on a youth staff retreat to a comfy hotel in Grand Rapids. Annelise will be spending the night at Papa and Gigi's house with her beloved cousin Alayna. I'm only slightly disappointed that we won't get to take her trick or treating tomorrow night. My excitement at sleeping in a king sized bed and eating out are superior to candy collecting in the rain. But, thanks mom and dad for doing the dirty work for me.
Friday, October 30
Thursday, October 29
Loving Fall
I have two cans of pumpkin in my cabinet, but no evaporated or sweetened condensed milk. Someone tell me how I can make a yummy, pumpkin dessert without the latter two items? This love of fall is killing me without pumpkin yumness in my house.
Regarding fall...and babies - which obviously the two go together...mhmm - Elliora is growing like a weed and sleeping a little better at night. We go to the doctor tomorrow for her one month check-up. I swore I wasn't going to say it, but alas I give in, I can't believe its been a month already. At her last appointment, she gained a whopping pound in less than a week. I'm fairly confident tomorrow's results will be similar. She's a fabulous eater...much unlike her sister who still refuses a full meal per day. What will I do with her?
Speaking of Annelise...she's been dramatically stripped from the spotlight since her sister entered our world. Yet, she has adopted much less of the sibling jealousy than I first feared. Did anyone else notice that their first born became a giant when they brought a new life into the world? It seems like overnight Annelise has gained ten pounds, began speaking in full sentences and went from a size three shoe to a five and a half overnight. My wallet is screaming!
Lest I leave him out as well, Matt has been adjusting to having another girl in the house. He loves being a daddy - especially to daughters - but the lack of sleep is beginning to take its toll. He's been sleeping on the couch in order to get a full night's rest. Last night as he scooped up his pillow and blanket for another night in the living room we both sighed, unable to acknowledge a better solution, but hoping this one would end soon. Annelise slept through the night at 12 weeks. I'm aiming for that.
Ok, my novel of a post is finished. I have no new pictures to share...I've succumb to the reality that your second child really is photographed less than the first. Sorry Elli.
Regarding fall...and babies - which obviously the two go together...mhmm - Elliora is growing like a weed and sleeping a little better at night. We go to the doctor tomorrow for her one month check-up. I swore I wasn't going to say it, but alas I give in, I can't believe its been a month already. At her last appointment, she gained a whopping pound in less than a week. I'm fairly confident tomorrow's results will be similar. She's a fabulous eater...much unlike her sister who still refuses a full meal per day. What will I do with her?
Speaking of Annelise...she's been dramatically stripped from the spotlight since her sister entered our world. Yet, she has adopted much less of the sibling jealousy than I first feared. Did anyone else notice that their first born became a giant when they brought a new life into the world? It seems like overnight Annelise has gained ten pounds, began speaking in full sentences and went from a size three shoe to a five and a half overnight. My wallet is screaming!
Lest I leave him out as well, Matt has been adjusting to having another girl in the house. He loves being a daddy - especially to daughters - but the lack of sleep is beginning to take its toll. He's been sleeping on the couch in order to get a full night's rest. Last night as he scooped up his pillow and blanket for another night in the living room we both sighed, unable to acknowledge a better solution, but hoping this one would end soon. Annelise slept through the night at 12 weeks. I'm aiming for that.
Ok, my novel of a post is finished. I have no new pictures to share...I've succumb to the reality that your second child really is photographed less than the first. Sorry Elli.
Monday, October 26
Friday, October 23
A New Venture
Wireless Zone of Holland
Becky Bartlett, Owner - Jason Parks, Sales Associate - Matt Bartlett, Store Manager
If you know my family - you are not surprised at the choice of franchise. We have always been a little technology-obsessed (to say the least). It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for you to visit our family Thanksgiving and find us talking about the latest cell phone technology or wireless communication. The Wireless Zone business model fits us well. It is the largest carrier of Verizon Wireless products and services, which we are loyal to.
And to keep in the spirit of a family run business, I will be helping out as Director of Marketing. Its a natural fit, being that its my current profession and I already work for my dad. I'm very excited about the opportunity.
So, in an effort to support the business...ahem...I purchased a Blackberry Storm yesterday. I love technology.
Tuesday, October 20
Its One of Those Days
Annelise woke up yesterday with a slight fever and a nose running like a sieve. Elliora slept a total of one hour last night, crying whenever she was awake. That's a lot of crying. Nothing would console her. My poor husband slept on the couch in an effort to get a few hours of sleep before tackling his busy day at school. Every so often, I would hear Annelise sniffle, cry and cough from her room through the monitor and wonder if I should go tend to her. Then, the baby would begin screeching again and I would stop to focus on keeping the peace so that the entire house wasn't awake.
So, you're not surprised its one of those days.
Since I don't can't nap (yes, its the worse curse in the world when you have a newborn) I'm stuck finding ways to get rest today. I think reading a good book and soaking in a scalding hot bathtub is one way.
Monday, October 19
Our Week in Pictures
Matt's parents came to help me out for the week - and with them they brought Nanny's reading glasses, one of Annelise' favorite toys. This picture cracks me up! She looks like a little librarian.
Paw Paw and Jamal helping Annelise get ready for bed.
Nanny and Paw Paw with Elliora.
This week was also special for my family. My parents are fulfilling a dream of theirs, by opening a family business. In fact, today is the Grand Opening of Wireless Zone - a Premium Retail Outlet for Verizon Wireless. We stopped by the store last week to see the construction progress - Annelise couldn't resist giving cousin Alayna a hug. Too cute!
Paw Paw spent much of the week in this position - napping with Elliora!
Thursday, October 15
In-Laws Can Be A Wonderful Thing
Matt's parents have been here since Monday evening and I am already blessed beyond measure.
They have cleaned my house, cleaned out my refrigerator, done ALL of my laundry (even folded and put it away), taken complete care of Annelise, helped prepare meals and got groceries - all in three days!
In fact, as I type this, I am snuggling with my sweet Elliora, getting ready to indulge in a fiction novel. Mom and Dad Neal took Annelise to a local playhouse and then are stopping by the store to pick up a few items for me. How nice is that? I feel so spoiled.
The words carpe diem keep running through my mind. They leave Sunday and I'm sure Monday is going to look a lot different around here. Namely, there will likely be less showers, home cooked meals and clean laundry from then on.
So, if you're wondering how you get in-laws like the Neals, I'm not sure...
But, no, you may not have mine.
Sunday, October 11
Oh the Quiet

Elliora Grace - Hospital Birth Photo
We've come a long way since I was born...
The house is blissfully quiet this Sunday morning. I have a sweet, newborn lying beside me with her hand clutching my laptop power cord. She already loves technology. No husband or two year old in site. A mug of hot coffee to my right and nothing stopping me from enjoying it, while I listen to a sermon online.
We're taking it easy today, after overdoing it yesterday morning. I know, you're shocked that I would over do it, right? Well, I couldn't help it. Yesterday marked one of the biggest events of the year at the Mission, of which I am the event director. So, rather than be completely absent, I marched our little family down to the shelter at 9 am to witness the 3rd Annual Rescue Run. It was a smashing event! But as always, I pushed a little too hard and hobbled my way out the door when it was over.
So, I'm on orders to take it easy today (thanks husband!).
On a side note...I feel a little foolish for forgetting how little sleep you get with a newborn. Elliora has had no problem reminding me. Crying from ten til two? I think I blocked those memories from my mind after Annelise started sleeping through the night - which was at ten weeks old. Therefore, I have a new goal...are you listening Elliora? You will be sleeping through the night before you reach your eighth week of life. So help me...
Friday, October 9
Hello Sweet Due Date
Ironic. Today is the day I was due to have Elliora Grace. I think its only appropriate that I awoke from the worst night's sleep since having her. A sweet reminder of what I got myself into. I'm exaggerating - she actually slept 5 hours straight, after 4 hours of wanting to eat every 15 minutes.
No matter how bad last night was, I'm thrilled that I'm not still pregnant, waiting for this baby to come.
Hello and goodbye sweet due date.
Tuesday, October 6
Just Another Tuesday...
I don't think so.

Its our second full day at home. And we are all adjusting to this new baby quite well.
Well, most of us anyways. Annelise has had a few moments of expected jealousy. And we're rolling with the punches as they come...sometimes almost literally.
I love that she loves the baby. Each morning she wakes up and the first words I hear in the monitor are "Baby go?"
Its true, with your second child, you rarely think to snap a photo. Well, you think of it, then your toddler requires your immediate attention and the thought is gone.
So, I've made a concerted effort to not let Elliora slip through the proverbial cracks in the photography pavement and have managed to take a few shots of our sweet, 5 day old baby girl.
She is very content most of the day. And when she does cry, it sounds like she has lost her voice. Its very squeaky and airy. I'm not sure how, but its cute.
A little blurry, but irresistible nonetheless. She was a ham last night.
Elli's first bath. She hated it, as expected. But, she had to be clean for her first doctor's appointment today.
I remember putting Annelise in this outfit. Oh how time flies.
Matt gets just a few days off with us at home. He has been such a huge help - especially with Annelise. I can already feel the stinging of tears at the thought of him returning to work. Ugh!
Oh, and I'm sure some of you are wondering how this mama is doing in her post c-section recovery? Well, I must say, I'm doing exponentially better than expected. Thanks for asking.
Saturday, October 3
More Elliora
Day two after the c-section and I am feeling better than expected. I was able to take a shower this morning, blow dry my hair, put makeup on - and even go for a short walk to the nursery to get my baby girl. The anesthesiologist came in to check on me and didn't realize I was the patient. That was a compliment. But, after all that hard work getting ready this morning, I think a nap is in order this afternoon - for all three of us.
I had to post these two pictures on here for memories' sake. Top is Annelise, bottom is Elliora.
Do you think they look alike?
Proud mama and papa. Sorry you can't see the baby's face.
Annelise meeting her sister for the first time. She loves to give kisses.
GiGi with her third granddaughter in 2 years. She is going to be busy!
Daddy taking Elli to the nursery so mommy could shower. He's beaming!
I already love her so much.
Friday, October 2
Baby-Kid #2 has left the womb!!
Yeah, so this is the proud pappa here bringing you the stats. Lil' bundle of joy "Elliora Grace" came in at 8lbs 2oz 19in. Lookin' more like her mum with in my opinion (good thing). Latchin' on nicely and pretty content thus far. Stay tuned for pictures later on... thanks for all your prayers everything went well and all involved are doing great!
~ smiling dad
A Baby In 4 Hours
Its 3:17 am.
I've been wide awake since 1:44 am.
Even after taking two Tylenol PM to help me sleep. Oh well. I'll be having this baby via c-section at 7:30 am, then I can take a nice long nap. That's so weird to say.
I went to the hospital today for pre-admission testing. You know, where they ask you all kinds of medical questions, take your blood and blood pressure. Unfortunately, what I thought was going to be routine was much more. (Go figure. Seems I can't have a baby these days without a little drama.)
My BP was really high. At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday it was 170/90. I know, to most people (like me) that means nothing. Basically, that's REALLY high. Yesterday, I was consistently at 145/110. So, they had me come into the hospital for a few hours to monitor me. I was hoping they would just decide to do the c-section last night, but no luck.
They sent Matt and I off for the night. Which was great - because we enjoyed a wonderful dinner out at my favorite restaurant - Johnny Carino's - and then home to relax.
Now that you're up to date on the drama before the drama, I'll be sure to post pictures of Elliora Grace as soon as I'm up to it.
Sweet dreams for those of you that are sleeping.
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