Thursday, October 15

In-Laws Can Be A Wonderful Thing


Matt's parents have been here since Monday evening and I am already blessed beyond measure.

They have cleaned my house, cleaned out my refrigerator, done ALL of my laundry (even folded and put it away), taken complete care of Annelise, helped prepare meals and got groceries - all in three days!

In fact, as I type this, I am snuggling with my sweet Elliora, getting ready to indulge in a fiction novel.  Mom and Dad Neal took Annelise to a local playhouse and then are stopping by the store to pick up a few items for me.  How nice is that?  I feel so spoiled.

The words carpe diem keep running through my mind.  They leave Sunday and I'm sure Monday is going to look a lot different around here.  Namely, there will likely be less showers, home cooked meals and clean laundry from then on.

So, if you're wondering how you get in-laws like the Neals, I'm not sure...

But, no, you may not have mine.


Liz K said...

so wonderful! So glad they could come and help!

The Talberts said...

How wonderful! I'm a little bit jealous. They live here in Kentucky, don't they? Maybe I can strike up a friendship ...

crystal said...

What what a blessing and a gift. I love hearing stories of when wives enjoy their in-laws. I have sons and I'm already praying their wives like me:-)